#IoT :Network of two CC3200 sensor nodes through Internet.

Exploiting the features of #dweet and #Temboo  and our Texas Instruments #CC3200 we can make a sensor network over Internet. We can show each sensor node status by sending some code to dweet server under a my-thing-name. To read the latest dweet for a thing, you can go to the web address  https://dweet.io/get/latest/dweet/for/my-thing-name . Note that dweet.io holds on to the last 500 dweets over a 24 hour period. If the thing hasn't dweeted in the last 24 hours, only its history will be removed. We can’t identify if the node fails. By checking the codes on thing we can easily identify whether the node fails. For HTTP Get request we can use Temboo library. Each run of choreo on another CC3200 get response from dweet through HTTP get request. The chunk response filtered for codes. If one code is received and verified it checks for second code.
We can design a network in which each node is sending its status to dweet and also check for other node’s status by using Temboo HTTP choreo. We can visualise the network by using #IoT visualisation tool #Freeboard.io. Each node status on the network can be monitored from anywhere by following Freeboard.io link for our sensor network.
Ø  Dweeting sensor network status from one node.
1.      Include necessary header files
//#include <SPI.h>
#ifndef __CC3200R1M1RGC__
#include <WiFi.h>

2.      Network parameters
char ssid[] = "Connectify-*****";
char password[] = "**********";

3.      Dweet Server address
IPAddress server(54,88,231,110);  // dweet

// Dweet parameters
 #define thing_name  "*******"

5.  int code1 = ****;
int code2 = ####;

6. void setup()

   WiFi set up

7.      Next is the continuous running loop for dweeting sensor node          status.
     void loop(){

                  In the loop function we should  dweet two codes with a interwal of 10 seconds, so its better to call function for dweeting different codes Like dweet(code1);

7.  Dweeting codes.
if (client.connect(server, 80))
{ Serial.print(F("Sending request... "));
                   client.print(F("GET /dweet/for/"));
//for the next run code 2 is send
                  // client.print(F("?code2=")); 
 client.println(F(" HTTP/1.1"));
                   client.println(F("Host: dweet.io"));
                   client.println(F("Connection: close"));

Ø  Subscribing to dweet of the node from other sensor node.

As we know that dweeted parameters will be there in the response on the link under thing name by following  https://dweet.io/get/latest/dweet/for/my-thing-name .
For this we can use HTTP Get choreo from Temboo like
            String URLValue = "https://dweet.io/get/latest/dweet/for/ thing-name ";
    GetChoreo.addInput("URL", URLValue);

For exploring the Temboo logon to

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